New jQuery Extern arrived at Haxe Standard Library

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jQuery has been one of the most popular JavaScript library in the world. To help existing JS developers switch to Haxe for a modern language with accurate static typing, a complete and up-to-date jQuery extern is necessary.

As I’ve mentioned in the previous post, I’m working on updating the jQuery extern in the Haxe standard library. Today, I’ve just committed the initial work to the Haxe repo. The new extern is generated by the same script that powers jQueryExtern. The resulting extern matches perfectly with the latest jQuery API (1.11.3 / 2.1.4). And since it is generated, we can update the extern very easily when there is a new jQuery release (I used less than an hour for each of the previous updates to jQueryExtern).

The differences between the old and the new externs are detailed at Github issue #4377, where you may report any migration issue or provide any feedback. Go ahead and get a development build of Haxe and play with the new extern!

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