Bilateral Blur by Pixel Bender

I’ve been working on implementing a bilateral blur for Flash. Currently the functionality is ok but the performance is quite poor (on my Intel MacBook, processing a 320x240 image takes ~2s). I’ve even tried to replace the Gaussian weighting functions with linear functions but it does not help a lot but leads to worse quality. The problem should be the sampling size of each pixel which I hard coded to be 9x9 square. Reducing the sampling area would help but again reducing quality.

It is frustrating that Pixel Bender in Flash do not have loops. Even accessing vector/matrix elements with variable index is not possible.

Anyway, here below is a demo.

Before applying filter: Before applying filter.

After applying filter: After applying filter.

Hope I can further optimize it later. (or better Adobe gives us GPU mode :lol: )

UPDATED: See this blog post

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