Haxe tips: advanced method overloading with macros

The @:overload metadata

Introduced in Haxe 2.08(released in 2011), @:overload metadata can be used to annotate a method to have several type signatures. For example, in JQuery of jQueryExtern, the method “html” has the following declaration:

public function html():String;

It declares the html setter (@:overload) on top of the getter, so they share the same method name with different argument/return types.

Limitation of @:overload

The @:overload metadata is mainly designed for writing externs, i.e.. to describe the native overloaded methods but not creating one. The Haxe compiler wouldn’t check with the function body if it is really performing in the way which @:overload metadata suggested. And definitely no runtime support if you do not implement it yourself.

It is also unable to describe some slightly complex, or unusual overloading. Such us jQuery.get, which has the following signature:

jQuery.get( url [, data] [, success(data, textStatus, jqXHR)] [, dataType] )

If dataType is the string "xml", the data going to be passed to success will be an XML root element. If dataType is "json", a JavaScript object will be passed instead. There are also cases for "script" and "html". Normally in a Haxe extern we can only declare it as:

static public function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:Dynamic->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:String):JqXHR;

But instead it should be something like:

//Note: invalid!!!
@:overload(function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:Dom->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:"xml"):JqXHR {})
@:overload(function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:Dynamic->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:"json"):JqXHR {})
@:overload(function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:String->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:"script"):JqXHR {})
@:overload(function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:String->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:"html"):JqXHR {})
static public function get(url:String, ?data:Dynamic, ?callBack:Dynamic->String->JqXHR->Void, ?dataType:String):JqXHR;

I know, I know, this kind of API is designed for JS which has a dynamic type system that does not fit perfectly to a static type system like Haxe’s. And the above case does not hurt much if we simply declare callback as Dynamic->String. But, when writing extern, still we prefer declaring as close to as the original JS signature and use as much compiler checking as we can.

Macros to the rescue!

Yes, macros can improve that!

Here is a demo extern class R that I make up:

import haxe.macro.Expr;

#if !macro extern #end class R {
     * Get a resource by its url.
     * Returns a Xml if url ends with ".xml", a String otherwise.
    @:macro static public function get(url: ExprOf):Expr {
        //the original calling expression, R is untyped to avoid endless loop in this macro
        var expr = macro (untyped R).get($url);

        switch(url.expr) {
            case EConst(c): switch (c) {
                case CString(str): //url is a constant String
                    var dotPos = str.lastIndexOf(".");
                    if (dotPos != -1) switch (str.substr(dotPos).toLowerCase()) {
                        case ".xml": return { //mark return type as Xml
                            expr: ECheckType(expr, TPath({pack:[], name:"Xml", params: []})),
                            pos: expr.pos

                    return { //mark return type as String
                        expr: ECheckType(expr, TPath({pack:[], name:"String", params: []})),
                        pos: expr.pos

        //return type is not known at compile-time
        return expr;

Here is a simple test, that will output the type info when compile:

class Test {
    static function main():Void {
        var a = "123";
        $type(R.get("123.xml"));  //src/R.hx:10: characters 19-40 : Warning : Xml
        $type(R.get("123"));      //src/R.hx:10: characters 19-40 : Warning : String
        $type(R.get(a));          //src/R.hx:10: characters 19-40 : Warning : Unknown<0>

Note that the above implementation used some macro features from Haxe 2.10, which will be released very soon is released!
The macro part is a bit too long to write for every method but there is nothing to stop you refactoring this trick into an lib ;)

Still, the above R is merely an extern, the actual function has to be already implemented in the native lib. I will let you know one more trick to actually provide an implementation of the overloaded method, which can be called at run-time, with reflection support.

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