This is a busy speaking year for me :) I have presented CI for Haxe projects in WWX 2015, and then a HKOSCon 2015 talk on Haxe as a transcompilation technology. I will deliver another 2 talks in this and the follow month.
London JavaScript Community Online Meetup
I’m so glad to be invited by the London JavaScript Community to deliver a talk via video stream next week. It will be an online meetup, which means everyone will be free to join without geographic constraint. My talk will target people who are interested in web development, particularly in front-end, JavaScript-related technologies. I will introduce Haxe with a focus in its JS target.
The talk will be hosted on 15th October (Thursday) at 12:30pm UK time (convert to your timezone here). Sign up in the online meetup event page if you’re interested. Don’t forget to invite your friends too ;)
PyCon HK 2015
I’m also glad to announce that my talk proposal has been accepted by PyCon HK 2015, which is the first PyCon in Hong Kong. My Haxe talk will also be introductory, but obviously will shift the focus to the Haxe Python target. I will demonstrate how to interop between Haxe and Python, to utilize the rich and solid scientific Python libraries in the modern, statically-typed Haxe language, using some simple examples of data analysis and visualization.
PyCon HK 2015 will be held on 7-8 November 2015 (Saturday-Sunday) in Hong Kong Cyberport. My talk will be on day two, 15:40 - 16:20 (schedule). Buy a ticket if you’re interested to attend.